Cifras Web

Gilbert O'Sullivan

Gilbert O'Sullivan tem o estilo Instrumental e suas cifras mais acessadas são: "What's in a kiss", "Alone Again Naturally", "Alone Again".

478 acessos

Todas as Cifras

  1. Alone Again
  2. Alone Again Naturally
  3. Alone Again Solo
  4. At The End Of The Day
  5. Can't Think Straight
  6. Can't Think Straight
  7. Christmas Song
  8. Clair
  9. Happiness Is Me And You
  10. Ill Be The Lonely One
  11. Im Not Getting Any Younger
  12. Independent Air
  13. Matrimony
  14. Miss My Love Today
  15. No Matter How I Try
  16. Nothing Rhymed
  17. Ooh Wakka Doo Wakka Day
  18. The Golden Rule
  19. Too Much Attention
  20. What's in a kiss
  21. What's in a kiss
  22. Why Oh Why Oh Why