Cifras Web

Gnarls Barkley

Gnarls Barkley tem o estilo Black Music e suas cifras mais acessadas são: "A Little Better", "Going On", "Blind Mary".

209 acessos

Todas as Cifras

  1. A Little Better
  2. Blind Mary
  3. Crazy
  4. Does That Make Me Crazy
  5. Going On
  6. Gone Daddy Gone
  7. Just a Thought
  8. Necromancer
  9. Neighbor
  10. No Time Soon
  11. Reckoner
  12. Run
  13. Run Im A Natural Disaster
  14. Smile Faces
  15. Suicide
  16. The Boogie Monster
  17. Transformer
  18. Transformer Acoustic
  19. Who Cares
  20. Whos Gonna Save My Soul