Cifras Web


Apologetix tem o estilo Pop e suas cifras mais acessadas são: "Enter Samson", "Corinthians Intro", "Lazy Brain".

164 acessos

Todas as Cifras

  1. All The Stalls Stink
  2. Are You Gonna Be Ikes Girl
  3. Bethlehemian Rhaspody
  4. Boulevard Of Both Extremes
  5. Cheap Birds
  6. Christmas Night
  7. Corinthians
  8. Corinthians Intro
  9. Daniel
  10. Downer Of A Sister
  11. Enter Samson
  12. Jacobs Name Is Israel
  13. Jcs Mom
  14. Lazy Brain
  15. Look Yourself
  16. Story Of A Squirrel